Extending Lean across the Supply Chain Lean manufacturing has become the de facto best practice across most manufacturing companies. Companies that have embraced lean principles have reduced their lead-times, improved quality, lowered inventory and engaged their employees. An important element of many companies’ lean initiative has been the implementation of pull-based material replenishment systems, often […]
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Conquering Global Supply Chain Management The verdict is in: Globalization has taken hold of the medical device industry, and there is no turning back. This represents a seismic shift from even the fairly recent past, when medtech companies sold their products primarily in their home market or in a limited number of international markets. Moreover, those markets functioned […]
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Survey Methodology Over the first half of 2011, JDA created and delivered a Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) Practices Survey with the goal of understanding company usage, processes, tools and approach. In addition, JDA sought to understand current S&OP challenges and perceptions about the process. The survey was distributed in printed form May 1-4, 2011 at FOCUS, JDA’s annual […]
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La Logistica Hoy “El equilibrio logístico genera ahorros” Existe una tendencia en las empresas a enfocar la atención en algunas partes del proceso logístico mas que en otras con la convicción de que se podrán establecer eficiencias al final del proceso, sin embargo esto no es generalmente valido, ya que si analizamos todo el proceso desde que […]
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Ventaja Competitiva manufacturera de México sobre China Dentro del proceso logístico (cadena de suministros ampliada) es muy importante tomar en cuenta las ventaja s competitivas  que se están gestando en la industria asentada en México, para poder ahora si tomarla en cuenta como proveedores de la industria multinacional ubicada aquí también. Esto queda de manifiesto al […]
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